With so much unspoilt countryside in Connemara, it's not surprising that we have abundant insect life. And the habitat mix - coastal, meadow, hill, bog - means that we're lucky to have a large mix of species.

If you have an interest in moths and butterflies - or would just like to learn a little more about the species to watch out for here - "On Your Doorstep: Moths and Butterflies of Connemara", by local photographer Heather Greer (and with a Preface by the well-known Michael Viney) is on sale in bookshops and other outlets in Clifden and more widely in Connemara.

It's well worth while keeping an eye out, by day and indeed at night, to see the wonderful insect life all around us.
Below is a small selection of the moths and butterflies you may see. Many of the images in this collection (taken by Heather) are in a collection displayed near the picnic area at the Connemara National Park, Letterfrack: