Omey Strand is a truly ideal location for windsurfing, kite surfing, and even kart surfing!
At low tide, with a flat expanse of hard sand and shallow, sheltered waters, it's a wonderful place for all such activities.
To the right, you see a kite-surfer in action on the Strand.

And on the right (and below),
KITE-KARTING (if that's the correct term - we made it up....)!!! Colin
Snow from Ballyconneely showing how it's done, on Omey Strand.
Colin in action again, headed in the direction of the mainland this
time, across a wide, flat Omey Strand. Unfortunatlely for him, one of
his wheel-bearings failed and that cut short his activity for the day,
but he told us he'll be back in action again soon. Looks like great fun!
The flat expanse of the strand is great for FLYING KITES, too! For example, see the photo on the right, of this young French visitor on Omey Strand
on Monday 30th April 2012 - didn't she get it to fly high??)
The Peninsula doesn't have good surfing beaches. But for some information on (wave) surfing nearby, check out our "ENVIRONS" page (you'll have to scroll down that page quite a distance).